Since this is the beginning of this blog I wanted to let you
know a little bit about me! Yes, you can get the brief summary in the “About
Me” section. This one is more in depth, let’s call it my life story.
Let’s start at the beginning – I was born on December 21. I’d like to say that is the reason for my complete obsession with Christmas (I’d leave my decorations up year round if hubs would let me!). I grew up in a big family that loves to spend time with each other. It truly is a blessing. We love to play games and things can get a little heated! I almost ended up at the hospital during a game of spoons – thankfully I caught myself and there was no injury! I’d like to thank our constant togetherness for the way I turned out today. I’m not so bad if I do say so myself *hair flip*.
My parents, sisters, brother and I before our cruise in Summer 2011! |
My Christmas obsessed self and hubs dressed as Santa & Mrs. Claus last year! |
Fast forward a few years – it was nine weeks into my sixth grade year of school when my parents made the decision to homeschool. At first I wasn’t a fan, but throughout the rest of middle school and all of high school I realized how much I loved it. Being homeschooled opened a lot of doors for me and my family and I’ve very thankful for all of that. (There is a stereotype for what homeschoolers are/look like, I know because I’ve met them. But as an FYI – I don’t fit in that stereotype!)
College time. Yikes! To say I was nervous my first day is an understatement. I mean, I hadn’t been in a classroom in seven years. I couldn’t find a parking spot and was running late so of course I called my mom crying. No fear though, I made it to class with a minute to spare! That first week I went through recruitment and joined a sorority. The Ronald McDonald House and lions (Hello, The Lion King?!?) had always been a passion of mine, so joining Alpha Delta Pi was the perfect fit for me! I had the time of my life and met some of my best friends (who later in the story stood by me on my wedding day). It was more than just meeting your future bridesmaids though. I learned so much in my four years that I’ll take to the grave with me. Can you carry on a conversation with brick wall? I can! I majored in Accounting and was beyond thrilled to walk across that stage. Of course, I decided I didn’t like accounting so I’m the Communication Specialist at my office. Whatever, I got the piece of paper and I’m proud of it!
Love these letters and everything they stand for |
One of my best friends and I at one of the bid day events |
Marriage. Well isn’t this the next step? I met my now husband in my parent’s neighborhood. His parents live across the street from mine (yep, that makes me a real life “girl next door”!). He moved back to town after graduating college and that’s when we met. We started dating March 2011, were engaged October 2013 and married August 2014. He’s the perfect fit for me and my mother takes all the credit because she picked him out for me. We adopted our 4-legged baby about two weeks after our engagement and he’s the most perfect (and spoiled) fur-baby there is.
My friend at Emily Katherine Photography captured our engagement perfectly! |
Our perfect wedding day! |
Our sweet baby. Bottom left was the night we got him. Top right was his first birthday. |
Well if you’re still reading, thank you! That has you all caught up with the life of Courtney.
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